On setting the book down for now

When I’m an old women in my rocking chair with a fat cat purring on my lap, I shall look happily back through the travel chapters of my life and today I am pleased to have filled another page and closed the book for a while.
Travelling for work gives you the opportunity to experience Dunedin’s beauty from on high. Now I’ve travelled the world, I can tell you nothing beats it.

 Sweeping coastlines carving settlements.  Communities nestled into little pockets of ordinary everyday happiness soaking up the sun.

It’s so good to see nothing has changed in the time we have been away. Except perhaps us. And you would hope for that.

 The point of travel is of course to explore life from another viewpoint. To figure what you want to take with you and determine what’s best to leave behind. 

It’s about how you can share a little of yourself with those you meet. 

Four people travelling across Europe together for five weeks out of suitcases would challenged even the most tight knit family and with ours capable of nuclear explosion at a moments notice, well it seems a high risk strategy for sure. 

With the red button on high alert, we have ticked off Hong Kong, Italy, Vatican City, Slovenia, Austria, Czech, Germany, Slovakia, Hungry, Poland, France, U.K. and USA. 

We have done parts in ones, in twos and in fours. We have done plane, train and boat, buses and subways. That’s quite an achievement and perhaps one unlikely to be repeated.

It has required problem solving skills and forward planning. 

Thank goodness for chocolates and wine as I wouldn’t have coped and the red button would have been stabbed many times….there simply isn’t enough fairy dust in the world sometimes.

So it may take some time to  reflect on what’s been and no doubt a story or two to tell.

Hopefully  however, all perspectives are just a little broader, everyone just a little fresher as we go into the adventure that is 2017.

And of course Paris takes the last word….

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